Unbox Your World
Unbox Your World was an awareness ad concept we came up with to encourage living a life 'outside the box' of the same old monotonous routines people can get stuck in. Over the course of three months we ideated many different variations and narratives, ultimately settling on this narrative. Our goal was to create a memorable piece that left viewers in a deeper thought about what they just watched. The ad was so highly controversial we had to disable comments but reached almost 20 million YouTube views!

Written: Alex Carrasco, Lucas Laurent, Kyle Roarke
Concept: Alex Carrasco, Lucas Laurent, Kyle Roarke
Production: Great Escape Media
Cinematography: Voca Films
VFX: MassFx
While writing the story, we knew we wanted our main character (who we later coined as 'Joey') to make a self-realization or transformation. Joey would live in a dystopian world of sameness but make a final resolution after curiosity leads him to SnackCrate. The idea was to show the boring repetition of receiving the same old boring brown boxes versus the excitement SnackCrate delivers when that little blue box arrives. Our early renditions of this concept was actually titled Little Boxes with plans to license the song 'Little Boxes' by Malvina Reynolds.

Look & Feel
In Joey's world, we wanted to create a boring but obviously fake looking dystopian community of sameness. We took visual inspiration from the movie Vivarium when envisioning our dystopian world. The idea was that this look would be bizarre and slightly creepy enough to capture the viewers attention from start to finish. In order to achieve this look we had to rely on visual effects to create this boring, monotonous world for Joey to live in.

Casting & Wardrobe
It was extremely important to nail the casting in this piece. Our characters and their wardrobe would really help bring home the creepy, boring, dystopian town vibe we were after. We took more inspiration fromVivarium by selecting a wardrobe style similar to the film as well as a similar aged character. Our boring family would be very stiff and buttoned up, wearing only one emotional expression in their demeanor.

Vivarium, 2019

Vivarium, 2019
There were a few major challenges we had executing this shoot. First, we had to deal with the challenges of Covid-19. Second, our vision included a ton of VFX work to make our world come to life. Scouting a location that fit our dystopian vibe was exhausting and the fall weather didn't exactly fit our style.